GPS files for six of the walks in the book were sent to us by an enthusiast.
Note: While these GPS data have been recorded in 2007 and checked by Sunflower in good faith, no warranty as to their accuracy is given or implied. It should be noted that these files are compressed and will need to be expanded using Winzip or Stuffit software.
There are .plt files (tracks only, no named waypoints) and .kml files (which can be dragged over Google Earth).
Mac users: The .kml files will open in Google Earth. To convert the .plt files for use with MacGPSPro, first download the (free) GPS Babel software at At the window “Quick Babel”:
1) select the file to convert
2) choose “OziExplorer” as the input
3) choose “GPX XML” as the output.
When all these files are saved, reopen them in MacGPSPro and re-save them in tab-delineated format (the default). They are then ready to transfer to your GPS.
Here are a few notes on the files
Walk 1: The track appears as described in the book
Walk 16: This is a much longer track than the walk described in the book. The user says “We walked from Agios Georgias right up the Avagas Gorge. It’s barely a scramble and quite do-able. When we emerged from the gorge we wandered a bit then we followed the track running WNW toward (but not as far as) Lara Restaurant and back along the beach.”
Walk 17: This is the circular walk for motorists, “starting at Kato Arkhimandrita and diverting to Alekhtora in a (fruitless) search for a cold beer.”
Walks 20 and 21: These tracks do not specifically follow the routes in the book. The user says “We went to the Akamas Peninsula doing (different) figure-of-eight walks from the baths of Aphodite using parts of Walks 20 and 21. The link between the 2 paths that leads NE to the mines is quite badly wrong on the map in your book, and the two paths running N and W from Pyrgos share a route for some distance.”
Walk 23: This is the walk in the book; the .kml files (for Google Earth) show two extraneous diversions to the west (due to an error in the text); the .plt files have been edited to omit these diversions.