The .txt files contain both tracks and waypoints; the .mps files can be dragged over Google Earth to see the routes.

Mac users: The .mps files will open in Google Earth. To convert the .txt files for use with MacGPSPro, first download the (free) GPS Babel software at At the window “Quick Babel”:

1) select the file to convert

2) choose ‘Garmim Map Source’ as the input

3) choose ‘GPX XML’ as the output.

When all these files are saved, reopen them in MacGPSPro and resave them in tab-delineated format (the default). They are then ready to transfer to your GPS.

Note: While these GPS data have been recorded and checked by Sunflower in good faith, no warranty as to their accuracy is given or implied. It should be noted that the files are compressed and will need to be expanded using Stuffit or Winzip software.


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