We’ve just received the following update from a user regarding Tenerife (14/03/2015).
There have been serious rock falls in the upper Orotava Valley affecting Walks 5 and 6.
Walk 6 (‘Above Los Organos’) is closed by a substantial wooden barrier at the 45 minute-point (the “important junction”). Unfortunately we saw no indication at the start of the walk that anything was amiss, so we didn’t find out until we had climbed to this junction and had to come back down again.
Walk 5 was closed at the Choza Pedro Gil, by tape and “keep out” notices. This is a popular walk from La Caldera, and walkers were ignoring the closure. There is plenty of debris (and larger rocks) on the track, and the hillside above the Casa del Agua and approaching Llano de los Corrales looks very unstable and ready to fall. It would be highly dangerous in wet weather. There is a further official closure notice beyond El Topo.
There was no indication as to how long these closures would last, but if the whole hillside requires stabilizing it could be some time.